Casrad Capital Allowances and Research & Development

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about capital allowance claims, research and development tax relief and land remediation claims.  

CASRAD have put together a list of FAQs to help. 

what exactly is a capital allowance claim
Capital allowances are retrospective claims based on the original purchase price of a commercial property. 

It is not a conscientious tax avoidance scheme or loophole, but is based on an established UK statutory law dating back to 1878. 
what specifically can you claim on?
UK Commercial Property
Furnished holiday lettings 
Multi Let and HMO Portfolios 
How can i claim for Capital allowance?
Call our experts and get started on your capital allowances claim today, we will take you through the application process in 4 simple steps: Application Form, Validation, Survey and Claim Report ensuring the report is robust and presented in the exact format that is  required by HMRC .  
what are casrad's fees? 
Firstly our fees are based on a purely contingent basis, so if a claim is not successful we will not charge a fee. If you are successful our fees are based on a percentage of the savings generated. 

We would agree on the set percentage once the value of the claim has been quantified, the percentage value generally depends on the size of the claim.
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What is R&D tax relief?
In 2000 the UK government introduced a scheme to encourage scientific and technological innovation. R&D relief allow companies that carry out qualifying R&D related to their trade to claim an extra corporation tax deduction for certain qualifying expenditure. The government have pledged to run R&D tax credits until 2032. (RW)
What can I Claim R&D tax credits on?
Research and Development tax credits can be claimed on the following revenue expenditure: Software, Consumables, Staffing costs and Subcontracted  R&D.   
What sort of company can make a R&D Claim?
Almost any type of company can make a R&D tax credit claim, providing the activities used to claim meet the government's criteria for being innovative. The two main criteria are the 'advancement of knowledge' and 'resolution of technical uncertainty'. (EASY RW)
How Far back can a retrospective claim go?
Claims can go as far back as 2 years specifically for Research and Development Tax Relief. 
a claim
07903 013 212

When can land remediation relief be claimed?
Land remediation relief (LRR), or Contaminated Land Tax Relief, allows business in all commercial property sectors to claim relief of 150% of the cost in cleaning up the site. 
There are three types of Land Remediation Relief that can be claimed:
Owner occupier / investor rate 150%
Developer rate 50%
Loss making companies can claim a tax credit (cash in hand) of 24%
What can be claimed for LAND REMEDIATION RELIEF? 
Qualifying costs include the remediation of contaminated land, removal of asbestos from buildings, breaking-out buried structures and the treatment of harmful organisms and naturally occurring contaminants such as Japanese Knotweed, radon and arsenic. (RW)

Relief can be available on developments, regeneration projects, fit-outs and refurbishments. (RW)
Are there any constraints on LAND REMEDIATION CLAIMs?
Retrospective land remediation claims have a time limit up to 3 years.
you Qualify?
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